Daily Infographic

Posted by on Jan 15, 2014 in Inspiration | No Comments

Daily Infographic
It seems everyone is using infographics these days, and it’s no wonder. Combining simple graphics with limited text to convey a concept can increase the chances that your message will be understood. This use of graphics has been around for a long time — from Egyptian hieroglyphs to a company’s annual report or PowerPoint presentation. However, lately there has been more effort put into making the data in charts, graphs and tables aesthetically appealing and accessible to a wider range of people.

Yesterday, one of my favorite sites, Daily Infographics posted their Top 10 Infographics of 2013. Each day, this site features a new informational graphic from the internet that attracted their attention. It’s a great place to get design ideas and learn more about the wide variety of topics covered in infographics.

Brussel SproutsIn looking at their favorite infographic from last year, “Pairing Wine & Food“, I can see that it will probably be difficult to find a good wine to pair with my Brussel sprouts tonight at dinner. Disaster averted!


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